Friday, January 11, 2008

Landon's Backpack

For Halloween I bought the boys some glow-in-the-dark buckets to put their candy in. These buckets have been used in SO many ways! I put toys in them as I am cleaning, when there is something that Abby (the lady that cleans my house) doesn't know where it goes she puts it in the buckets, they make great bath toys, the kids even used them to puke in when they were sick (after which they were disinfected thoroughly). My favorite use; however, has been Landon's use. He uses it as a backpack. He doesn't store anything in it so I guess it is more like a camel hump, but he goes EVERYWHERE with it!

Here he is in his room (please ignore the mess in the background) just chillin' with his little camel hump.

Here you can kind of see how he goes about sporting it. He wears the handle across his chest as I do with my purse strap.

Here he is in the bath even! Not such a good picture of Landon but I think it is SO funny! Hope you all got a kick out of it as I did.


Bronson Clan said...

that is too cute!

the sheldons said...

It's perfectly acceptable for a kids to wear a bucket as a backpack/purse. Those are the things scrapbook pictures are made of!