Thursday, July 29, 2010

Only 6 days later!!

Here is an update on my little bro. He is progressing very nicely!! He looks SO much better! He is still in a lot of pain but not as much as he ha been lately. He even got up and walked the length of the hospital toady!! I am SO happy that he is feeling a bit better! In the next couple of days he will be transfered to a hospital that specializes in head trauma where he will be doing some intense therapy. Thanks so much to everyone for your prayers and thoughts!! I am certain they all helped!

1 comment:

Horn Family said...

Sarah I am so happy to hear that you little brother is doing better! I totally understand that feeling of helplessness when your sibling is going through some major stuff! Amy just went through chemo therapy and we think that they were able to get rid of all the cancer. It was really hard not to be there! Anyway long time since we have talked! I have a blogspot too! look me up : ) I miss ya. I was just talking to Tamara and she said that you only live about 3 hrs away from her and I am only 7 from her! We so need to get together! I hope all is well. You have such a beautiful family! Miss you tons!!!