Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tosils, and ankle, and window, oh my!

The past few weeks have been anything but fun for Ezra. He got over a cold and started snoring A LOT which I thought was kind of funny since he had just gotten over his cold. I assumed he was just getting another cold and didn't think much about it. His snoring got worse and turned into periodic gasping for air while sleeping. Needless to say he was a grump during the day because he was not getting any real restful sleep. Eventually I decided to look at his tonsils and sure enough they were pretty much taking up all the space in his throat. In the mean time, we decided one day (a Tues.) to take the kiddos to Seattle for the day. While in Seattle Ezra fell and sprained his ankle . He had to be carried everywhere for the next couple of days and a week later, he still walked with a limp. On the Sun. after we went to Seattle, Ezra and Landon were playing on our couch together. Landon came to me in the dining room and told me he needed the door open. I told him that he is not aloud to play in the front yard but could go out to the back. He said, that he needed the front door opened. I told him once again that he is not allowed to go to the front yard. He then told me that Ezra needed the front door opened. I told him that Ezra was not allowed in the front yard either. He stayed very persistent that I open the door for Ezra. I ended up following him to the living room to tell Ezra that he was not allowed in the front yard. As I walked into the living room I finally heard Ezra crying and saw that the screen on the window had popped out. I yelled for Aaron who came running and went outside to get Ezra who had fallen onto a rosebush in our front yard. Luckily, all he got were a couple of scratches. A couple of days ago I took Ezra to the doctor to look at his tonsils. The doctor looked in his throat, gave a little chuckles and said, "yeah... that's about as bad as they can get..." He told us that he will probably have to have those and his adenoids removed. He referred us to an ear, nose and throat doctor who we will go see on Mon. Unfortunately today Ezra has decided it is too tough to eat anything so he will be on a diet of Ensure until then. I feel so bad for the poor kid but hopefully after the surgery he will be sleeping a lot better so he won't be so grumpy or clumsy for that matter.
The 2 ball type things you see are his tonsils and believe it or not, they look worse then that now. They are actually touching eachother and coming up on his tounge. POOR GUY!


smeltzer family said...

OHMIGOSH!!!! Sarah those are the biggest tonsils I have ever seen ... you let me know if you need anything ... being preggo and taking care of s kid that just had surgery is hard.

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